Launched just ten days ago, Our Bridge to the Future Campaign is going strong! A majority of the congregation has met with Pastor David in either a Fellowship Group or during Q&A sessions. There are two more scheduled sessions, TODAY, Thursday, February 10 at 2:00pm, and Sunday, February 13 at 12:30pm. Contact the Church Office to let us know you are coming, or schedule another time!
Sunday Worship Services
9:00am – Livestream, Kids Program & Nursery
11:00am – Nursery
Get to know two of the songs that for Sunday’s worship service.
Fellowship Groups are where we really get to know one another. They are fun, meaningful opportunities to enjoy and care for others at Church of Our Savior. These groups are currently meeting! We want you to stop by this week and check one out! Get more info by contacting the Church Office.
Tuesday | 6:30pm | Ponte Vedra Beach Group | Fannin Home
Wednesday | 5:30pm |  Neptune Beach Group | Conolly Home
Wednesday | 7:00pm | Atlantic Beach Group | Brodeur Home
Sunday  |  10:15am  |  Fellowship Hall  |  Chuck Holliday, Host
This group meets on Sundays between services! Enjoy the convenience of attending church and a small group at one location and day.
Upstairs in the Fellowship Hall.  Snacks provided.
Update from David Sandifer and family enjoying a cold and blessed winter at Tyndale.

2022 Iron Sharpens Iron – Men’s Equipping Conference

Join the men of Church of Our Savior and gather to attend this powerful and empowering event.  Seniors and students alike should attend. Contact Larry Wagner for details. 904-891-9163.
Men of the church, Larry Wagner will be set up to sharpen pocket knives this Sunday.  Bring yours by his table during Snacks & Chats, and find out what Iron Sharplens Iron is all about!
Financial Fellowship & Education
Wednesdays, 6:00pm
Crock-Pot Finance
This casual group meets for a yummy Crock-Pot meal and financial fellowship. CPF is the practical application of the Financial Peace University lessons. Free program and dinner in the Fellowship Hall.
Sundays, 12:30pm.

Financial Peace University  

This life-changing course from Dave Ramsey is for everyone. Class has started, but don’t let that stop you! Free program and dinner in the Fellowship Hall.
We want your Crock-Pots! If you have a Crock-pot you don’t use anymore, consider donating it.  Many of our young adults do not have one of their own and we’d love to pass on this thrifty way to create homecooked meals.
Events are held at COOS unless otherwise noted and are subject to change.
Check with the office to confirm.

Men’s Breakfast Bible Study: Tuesday, 7-8:30am, IHOP- Hodges Blvd
Women’s Bible Study: Friday, 9:30am
     Youth Group: TBD, 6-12th grade
     Trail Life USA Troop: Tuesday, 6:30pm, Boys K-12th grade
     American Heritage Girls: Tuesday, 6:30pm, Girls K-12th grade
Crock-Pot Finance: Wednesday, 6:00pm. Financial fellowship with a meal.
Mission House: Prepare & serve a meal to the homeless, 5th Friday in a month
Avante Nursing Home: Worship service for the residents, Monday, 2pm

Diocese News:  The Communiqué is a monthly email newsletter from the Gulf Atlantic Diocese. Sign up here.
Church of Our Savior believes in the power of prayer.  Send requests via Sunday Connect Cards, online, or email [email protected].