Journeying to the New Jerusalem

by | Oct 20, 2024 | Podcast, Sermons

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Preacher: Pastor David Ball

Scripture: Mark 10:32-45

Despite all the signs of danger and conflict, Jesus continued to lead his disciples to Jerusalem. In Jerusalem Jesus faced the full wrath of political unrest and religious corruption, yet none-the-less he journeyed onward. Ultimately Jesus went resolute and determined to give His life as a ransom for our sins. The Christian life while being victorious through our Lord Jesus is a journey to the New Jerusalem. It is a journey that continues to be full of dangers and suffering today, but we know that what awaits us there is the fullness of hope. We are on a journey with Christ to the place where all things are being made new and where God dwells with man forever.


Well today we we’re continuing uh as we working through Mark chapter 10 for those who who haven’t been with us uh our lectionary reading uh in the month of October has us walking through Mark 10 together uh and so we’ve come to uh This Moment uh after Jesus has uh has encountered uh the opposition of the Pharisees and he has embraced children and told them to come to him uh he has uh encountered the the Rich Young Man uh who uh who went away sad challenged by by Jesus questioning uh the other loves that he had in his life uh and today uh we find Jesus again on the road on the road and and in some ways I think this is a uh uh it’s an image for all of us Jesus is on the road and A lot’s going to happen in this passage but uh there there’s a sense in which we are all on the road we’re all on this journey we’re on this journey with Jesus following him just as the disciples were following him and while while they were on the road following Jesus to Jerusalem we’re on the road as well but we’re on the road to a New Jerusalem and we’re going to talk about that uh more in just a minute but that road even to for them the road to Jerusalem was a was a road that was uh fraught with danger uh it was uh there was suffering that was involved there was personal failures there was even Joys along the way that they were to face and the same is true for us as we are on the road to the New Jerusalem uh we continue to face challenges there is suffering in this world World there are great Joys and celebrations uh but we have to remember what road we are actually on because the world will will draw us away the world will challenge us to to believe that we’re on a different road to put our hopes and the things that are temporal of this world those things might be important but they’re not the ultimate road that we’re on and Mark 10 verses 32 through 45 it reminds us of the hope of the UL imate road that we are all on the road to the New Jerusalem and so I want to walk down this road with you uh as we first go to the passage and see how uh these Disciples of Jesus followed him on the road going up to Jerusalem verses 32 to 34 were told this they were on the road going up to Jerusalem and Jesus was walking ahead of them and they were amazed and those who followed were afraid and taking the 12 again he began to tell them what was about to happen so they’re going up to Jerusalem why is that significant well it’s significant because they’re on the road to an uncertain future at least for the disciples they’re not sure of what lies ahead in fact all that they know about what’s ahead in Jerusalem uh is there is political unrest and there is uh religious uh corruption and theyve faced constant opposition from both and yet here’s Jesus out on ahead of them leading them straight into danger leading them along this path uh to to where I’m sure most of them are thinking we probably should be going the other way but no Jesus is leading them towards Jerusalem and Jesus is Resolute he’s determined isn’t he he’s he’s out ahead of him he he’s leading the way they’re not all just kind of walking together Meandering Jesus is out ahead he is out ahead of them he’s heading into the conflict he’s not backing down he’s Resolute leading them because he knows what awaits him there what awaits him is the cross and so he said to the 12 that at the at Jerusalem that the the son of man will be delivered over to the Jewish authorities he will be condemned to death he will be mocked he will be spit upon he will be fogged and he will be killed and then after 3 days he will

rise after saying that it’s all the more remarkable isn’t it that Jesus is leading them this way Jesus is is leading them all into this certain future that he knows awaits him he’s leading them into the suffering into the conflict he’s leading them also though into what he knows is Victory although it’s a victory that they don’t comprehend at all at this point as we’ll see in a minute with uh with James and John and the way that they uh respond to this this this marching into Jerusalem uh but he’s leading them yes into his own death but he’s also leading them into a new life that never could have possibly imagined before in verse 35 then and James and John sons of Zebedee came up to Jesus and said to him teacher we want you to do for us whatever we ask of you I mean first of all can you imagine asking Jesus that you know uh like treating him like he’s the genie you know that uh you know hey we want and what I want you to do is to grant me a 100 more wishes and and Jesus said to them whatat do you want me to do for you and they said to him grant us to sit one at your right hand and one at your left in your glory so now that gives us a picture of what at least James and John and then from the reaction that the rest of the disciples have of the picture of what they saw that they were walking into uh what they were heading into into Jerusalem yes there was fear uh that we were told that they were you know they were amazed and there was some fear among them about what they were going to face about with the uh with the political uh unrest that was going on uh in Jerusalem no one was happy it was the herodians who were the puppets of the of the Roman Empire uh were occupying uh Israel were occupying Jerusalem they were all upset about it uh and but they had this picture of Jesus is coming to set all things right he’s coming into his glory but for them at that time they imagined the glory to be was that this was going to be a political overthrow that this was going to be a setting of of things right the way that they were meant to be we’re going to get rid of these herodians who have been nothing but trouble they’re corrupt themselves uh they they’ve just been they they’ve they’ve defied all of our Jewish Heritage uh and religion uh and they are just uh puppets of the Romans and buking us all along the way and we are finally going in the people are going to arise and we are going to take back what is rightfully ours and Jesus is going to be in his glory sitting on his throne where he was meant to be as the king of Israel that’s what they they imagine is going on here at the end of it that’s what that they’re picturing and of course for James and John they want a piece of the action right you know when you come into your glory hey we’re the first to recognize that Jesus that what’s about to happen uh and we want the places of Honor we we want to be at your right and at your left in your glory when you’re reigning uh in Jerusalem and you have said all things right and this Revolt has had its way uh and all is at peace again we want the places of Honor with you they see a coronation coming a political corrupt uh correction of the corrupt and the morally bankrupt system that they were living under that’s what they were looking for we can relate to that in some ways right I mean that we’re kind of living in that longing for that uh to happen uh and certainly that we should be playing our part and being engaged in the culture and voting uh and doing everything that we can do but we still have to remember the ultimate road that we’re on even as we are engaged but Jesus told them he said when they wanted that place you don’t know what you’re asking you don’t know the real cost of the glor Glory that I’m being called to you don’t know the real battle that I have come to fight for you you don’t know it yet are you able to drink the cup that I drink are you able to be baptized with the baptism that I am will be baptized with meaning are you able to drink the Cup of Wrath that’s what the cup is look at the scriptures look look at the prophets the cup is the Cup of Wrath that God pours out upon those who uh who defy him Jesus is going to drink from the Cup of Wrath on behalf of all of us sinners and the baptism with which he is going to be baptized is the baptism of his death his death on the cross and of course not fully getting it and fully understanding what it was that Jesus was trying to to tell them what do they say yeah we’re able to do it we can do it we’re on board we’re we’re ready for this Glory of yours they said we will and we can meaning we’ve got the power we’ve got the ability we’re going to be faithful to the end no matter what well we know what happens right when they actually get to Jerusalem that attitude quickly changes and they run and they betray and they leave Jesus alone but Jesus did answer him what did he say he said you will but the place of honor are not mine to determine but for those who it has been prepared for beforehand when the other 10 heard it of course they’re indignant uh they’re so upset about this because again they’ve got the wrong idea of what Jesus is heading into and what they’re about to face in Jerusalem and so they they believe they’re going for this whole political Glory thing and they’re going to see this uh this Revolt happen and they’re going to see all things made right uh and they’re going to see that the the Romans are cast out and the herodians are taken off the throne in Jesus where he rightly belongs as king they were indignant though and James and John for beating them to the punch because they all wanted the same thing I mean we all want the same thing they wanted the places of Honor they wanted to be known as the faithful ones they wanted to be known as as the favorites the ones who stuck it with stuck by Jesus and were faithful with him to the very

end but Jesus knowing what was going on he took it as a moment to teach them didn’t he to teach them about what the road to Jerusalem is really all about meaning the road of following Jesus in this world he told them about the the Gentiles how they the rulers of the Gentiles lorded over them meaning exercise uh Dominion control they Master them and number two that their great ones exercise authority meaning they strongly Domin dominate exerting Authority he said but it’s not going to be that way with you that’s not the way that the road to Jerusalem and following me it’s not the way it’s going to be whoever would be great must be your servant and whoever would be first among you must be a slave of all but Jesus didn’t say this isn’t just some nice teaching this isn’t just some way new way of living He said the son of man has come not to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many saying that there is a new reality in the gospel there is a new reality for all those who follow him a new reality of what the road that we’re on is really all about yes it’s important to be engaged in the political life we need Christians who are in the Public Square we as Christians need to be voting we need to be involved shoot you should be running for office if you can please do we need Christians who are following Christ and have been captured by his grace and mercy we need to be out there but at the the same time we have to remember when we are what road we’re really

on cuz we’re not on the road to Washington we’re on the road to Jerusalem but a better Jerusalem we’re on the road to a New Jerusalem we’re on a road to Ultimate hope ultimate purpose ultimate meaning what God has intended for us

here from Revelations 21 this picture of the road that we’re on the ultimate road that we’re on we’re told this in chapter 21 of Revelation then I saw a new Heaven and a new Earth for the first Heaven and the first Earth had passed away and the sea was no more and I saw the holy city New Jerusalem coming down out of the heavens from God prepared as a bride adorned for her husband and I heard a loud voice from the throne saying Behold The Dwelling Place of God is with man he will dwell with them and they will be his people and God himself will be with them as their God he will wipe away every tear from their eyes and Death Shall be no more neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain anymore for the former things have passed away praise God amen that’s where we’re heading that’s the road that we’re on that’s the Hope friends we should be engaged in the world that we where the Lord has placed us we should be faithful in serving him and his purposes standing for his truth but all the while knowing that we’re on a different road the road to a New Jerusalem following Jesus all along the way Jr tolken said the birth death and resurrection of Jesus means that one day everything sad will come untrue isn’t that beautiful that’s the road we’re on that’s the hope that we have that this sinful and Fallen World will fall away it’s passing away Jesus is in the process of making all things new that’s the hope that we always have and we live with don’t let the news take control of your hearts and your minds it wants to because the more it can the more you buy the more you watch the more they sell it’s this vicious cycle that we’re in be involved you should care but don’t

fear because we know how this ends we know the victory of our Lord Jesus Christ and as we follow on this road in Hope of the New Jerusalem were called to serve others the son of C of man came not to be served but to serve we’re called to be a people of humility that consider others before ourselves you know CS Lewis we talk about this all the time he said that humility is not thinking less of yourself it’s just thinking of yourself

less you know that’s what it means to serve others thinking of yourself less and of other people and their needs more than ourselves you know he also gave that beautiful image of if you’ve uh if you’ve ever really met a humble person you never knew it because they were far more interested in you in listening to you than anything else and so you probably just passed on by you you never you never recognize it friends we’re called to be a a humble people yes engaged yes caring and standing for truth but doing it with hum ility and hope serving a world that so desperately needs Jesus and not only are we called to serve we’re called to do it sacrificially sacrificially the son of man came as a ransom for many to pay the ultimate price to pay the penalty for our sin on the cross we can’t pay the penalty for each other’s sins we can’t pay the penalty for our own sin but we can having been a people who have received the grace of God can sacrificially serve other people the people around us not for what they can do for us not for what we’ll get out of it how it’ll make us feel but purely for their good tolken again said living by faith includes the call to something greater than the Cowardly self-preservation

in fear we can cower away worried about ourselves but we need to stand up we need to be engaged in this world not afraid because we know the road that we’re on we know the future and the hope that is before us the New Jerusalem that Jesus has planned for us we can with boldness and with humility and self-sacrifice serve him on this road that we’re on in our world CS Lewis says love is not a an an affectionate feeling but a steady wish for the loved person’s ultimate good as far as it can be obtained friends that’s what sacrificial love is that’s what Jesus has done for us he gave himself on the cross for our good not for his own that we might know the Forgiveness of our sins and raised to New Life in him friends we are on a road we’re on a road with Jesus but the road that we are on ends in a far better place in a place where there is no more weeping no more sorrow no more pain a New Jerusalem where Jesus walks with us he is our God daily so let us move forward and walk on this road in Hope yes with hearts of service of humility and of Hearts of sacrifice for those who so desperately need their savior amen

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