The Grace to Serve

by | Sep 29, 2024 | Podcast, Sermons

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Preacher: Pastor David Ball

Scripture: Joshua 24

In Joshua’s final words to the people of Israel, he takes great care to remind them of the gracious work of God in their lives. Establishing the bedrock of God’s Grace, Joshua then calls them boldly to SERVE THE LORD. God’s grace is not an excuse for inaction but rather the foundation for a life of humble and faithful service to God. As followers of Jesus Christ, we are the recipients of a better grace and are called by God to humble and faithful service in our communities.


So we made it we made it to the end right it’s uh you know hopefully if you didn’t make everyone anybody here make every single one all right we got some uh we got some y y’all get uh you know you get a gold star if you made all but I’m sure if you didn’t make them all you’ve gone back and listened to them all so so you know exactly uh where we are and uh uh and so you understand the full context here uh but you know I’d say Joshua 24 next to Jericho and the bringing down of the walls this is the most well-known passage of Joshua right uh that that powerful verse you’ve probably got it on a pillow that’s uh you know as for me in my house we will serve the Lord uh it’s either on the pillow or it’s on a plaque or it’s somewhere in your house right I mean you you you can’t be a Christian and not have this in your house somewhere uh it’s not not even possible um I I I know we have them uh as well because it’s powerful it’s a powerful and it’s a moving and stirring moment of decision it’s it’s a stirring moment of of compelling uh the people of Israel into their service of the Lord and so I this also serves for us it serves for us us today as Christians how are we to live in faithful service to God as followers of Christ in our world in our community in our country here in uh in Jacksonville Beach and in this area of of North Florida that the Lord has planted us how are we to serve God in a faithful way that honors him that brings him glory because as we sang before his glory is for our good right and so this passage is speaking directly into these important issues in our life that we’re all struggling with to know how to live faithfully and serve the Lord Faithfully in our lives every day and so I want us to to look at it first in the context of uh of Joshua and what was happening here uh and then we’ll look at that same in application to how it applies to us today but as we began last week in in 23 Joshua has come to the end of his leadership the end of his Ministry and he’s gathered together all of the uh the tribes of Israel and all their their leaders uh to give them the farewell address right uh to give them these last parting words and his role is leadership and Leadership to them to encourage them and to uh to show them the way that they are to go uh as he steps down from leadership and so chapter 24: 1-13 really continue that that same farewell speak speech and in verses 1 to13 uh he spends that entire time doing one thing reminding them of all that God has done for their Redemption right all that God has done by his grace you notice over and over again all the things that I did for you he doesn’t go back and remember the things they did wrong he doesn’t call them he doesn’t call them to account in this p in this area at all in that area um uh but he’s saying all the things I’ve done for you I’ve done all of this uh verse 13 especially it goes I gave you a land on which you had not labored in cities that you had not built and and you now dwell in them you eat the fruit of Vineyards and Olive Orchards that you did not plant what did he wanted what what Joshua wanted the knows before what’s even going to come which is a a strong call to service is that it’s all based on God’s grace for for them their calling to serve is based on what God has so lovingly and graciously done for them that’s where it’s rooted that’s what they’re being called to take the next steps of Faith even then out of it God’s gracious act in their lives goes all the way back to Abraham right he called Abraham out not not because of anything that Abraham at that point had done but just that God in his gracious calling had called them out to make them a people for himself and he had been gracious to them and so after Now setting that that that framework that all of this is established in Grace now in verse 14 this is what Joshua calls them to he says now therefore fear the lord and serve him in sincerity and faithfulness now therefore fear the lord and serve him and sincerity and faithfulness now this is the beginning of the word serve is going to happen over and over and over and over again this is the important thrust Paul’s or uh uh Joshua is calling them to a life of service for the Lord you know receiving that Grace wasn’t just for their own benefit it wasn’t just for them to sit on it and enjoy being the chosen people it was intentionally given to move them to action to move them to serve him and the way that they’re called to serve here first off is in sincerity and faithfulness that word sincerity what it means is uh in in honesty meaning in humility an honest humility not putting on pretense not pretending but being completely honest with the Lord that’s how he’s calling them to service and an honest heartfelt sincere way before him and we’re going to see that’s already a challenge that’s already a challenge for them uh and then secondly in faithfulness meaning in truth in Trust of God that he is the truth he wants them to serve him not only uh in a spirit of humility of being honest with before God about who they are and the ways that they have fallen short but also he wants them to tr trust him to trust him with what’s ahead which is going to be a major challenge in their lives and we’re going to see why it’s going to be a challenge he said put away the gods that your fathers serve beyond the river in Egypt and serve the Lord so what this tells us is is that that Israel at this point was not a pure Nation they were still struggling with serving these Idols they still existed in their rank uh and that’s what Joshua is is calling them out on now he’s saying don’t pretend don’t pretend that all is Right own up to where you your own in in humility what’s really going on and serve the Lord in his truth and then in verse 15 and if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord choose this day whom you will serve whether the gods of your fathers that they served in the region Beyond the River or the gods of the amorites in whose the land you dwell but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord you know it’s really interesting there’s there’s really three options that Joshua gives to the people doesn’t he there’s three options to who they’ll choose to serve the first option is they can look to the past and they can serve the gods of their of their fathers before the one true God called them by his grace they can go back to that life they can choose that this day to worship those idols and to serve those Gods this the second option is they can choose uh the the present Idols that are surrounding them and that is the gods of the amorites those that that the present age the the idols of the of the age that they’re living in they can either look to the past and those gods or they can look to all those Nations around them and be enticed by them the spirit of the age or they can choose the Lord but they have to choose they can’t serve all of them you have to choose this day who you will serve well and as for me in my house he declares we’re going to serve the Lord as for me and my clan my group my people we’re going going to serve the Lord and to serve the Lord means to serve him in sincerity and to serve him in faithfulness to serve him in humility and to serve him by trusting him despite what the spirit of the age might be despite however much they may look back and think things are much better then or we really need to get back to that time get in touch with our roots and those uh where our people came from those are going to be their Temptations but you can’t have it both ways and then the people answered in verse 16 far be it from us that we should forsake the Lord to serve other gods for it is the Lord Our God who brought us and our forefathers up from the land of Egypt out of the house of slavery and who did those great signs in our sight and preserved Us in all the way that we went and among all the peoples through whom we passed and the Lord drove out before us all the peoples of the amorites who lived in the land therefore we will also serve the Lord for he is our God yes this is a great moment right they the Joshua called him choose this day and now they have chose there should be much rejoicing at least that’s what you’d expect but then Joshua goes in a totally different direction or at least it seems like it right in verse 19 but Joshua said to the people you are not able to serve the Lord for he is a holy God he is a jealous God he will not forgive your transgressions or your sins if you forsake the Lord and serve foreign Gods then he will turn and do you harm and consume you after having done you good and the people said to Joshua no but we will serve the Lord then Joshua said to the people you are witness against yourselves that you have chosen the Lord to serve him and they said we Are Witnesses and then he said then put away the foreign gods that are among you and incline your heart to the Lord the god of

Israel so what Joshua was telling them is you’re not being honest it’s not yes praise the Lord that you said you’re going to serve him that’s great but you’re not being honest you’re not coming in a s place of humility you didn’t come saying we want to serve the Lord Lord help us to do it now they’re saying we’re going to do it we can do this they’re not coming with a sense of needing the Lord’s help they’re coming from a sense of Pride and self-reliance and that’s why Joshua he’s not discouraging them from serving the lord they that that’s what they’re called they’re being called called to but he is discouraging them from doing it out of a sense of pride and arrogance and thinking they can do it in their own power because they can’t they can’t do it without the Lord’s help just as the Lord established them and rooted them in grace even in serving him they’re still dependent upon God’s grace and his work in their midst they can’t do it without him it’s not possible so what does this this have to do with us today I think it’s a a direct correlation right it’s direct and that just as Joshua was compelling them to to stay rooted and to be rooted and established in the grace of God so we are called to be rooted and established in the grace of God through our Lord Jesus Christ God’s undeserved favor that he has shown to us it’s Ephesians 2 8-10 right for by Grace you have been saved through faith and it’s not your own doing it’s the gift of God not as a result of works so that no one may boast for we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them so again in in the New Covenant in the light of the grace that we have received a far better Grace than God’s people in Joshua could have ever known for we’ve been given the savior of the world and the Redemption and the Forgiveness of our sins and be given new and everlasting life in Christ we too are called out of that Grace to serve we’re called to Good Works we’re called to serve the Lord in this world it’s how we live Faithfully the grace that we have received in Christ isn’t a Grace where that we’re called just to sit on our hands and enjoy our our special place with him but we’re called to serve in humility and in faithfulness all the work that God is calling us to do in this world and in our culture if you hear all the the places that God calls in the Old Testament to serve him uh to serve God in gratitude for his grace we’re told uh in Deuteronomy 10 and now Israel what does the Lord require of you but to fear the lord your God to walk in all of his ways to love him and to serve the Lord your God with all of your heart and with all of your soul and to keep his Commandments and statutes statues of the Lord which I command you today for your good in Deuteronomy 28 serve the Lord your God with joyfulness and with gladness of heart because of the abundance of all things things that he has given you Psalm 211 serve the Lord in reverence and rejoice with trembling Psalm 102 serve the Lord with gladness come into His presence with singing Psalm 1211 be fervent in spirit and in serving the lord meaning be passionate in your service to the Lord in this world but do it in humility and do it with faithfulness and do it with joy and gladness we’re not called to serve the Lord out of a spirit of fear we’re called as the people of Christ to serve into the world knowing the victory that’s already been won and so we’re free to serve boldly and to love boldly and to stand for the truth boldly in in a humble and joyful and hopeful way what what are some of those ways that we’re called I mean it’s endless right the way ways that we’re called to serve the Lord in this world is is is endless but let’s just start and I think the right order of of creation right we’re we’re to serve the Lord in the world first as a husband or a wife that’s the first order of things in God’s creation if you’re looking for where to where to start and Faithfully serving the lord in humility and with joy and with gladness and in faithfulness then start by being and serving the lord as your husband that you were called to be as the wife you were called to be that’s the beginning and then as we move out from there in God’s created order how about as a father or a mother or as a as a grandmother or grandfather move out to there and look how am I serving the lord how am I impacting this world for Christ how am I how am I serving my grandchildren and my children how am I serving them in humility and with joyfulness and with gladness and and proclaiming the truth of God how am I standing against as as the people were called to stand against the gods of the age right the gods of the amorites those Gods those Idols that were all around them how are we called to Stand Up Against The Gods and the idols of our age they are many they are many it’s hard even to name them all right here all at once I need to do a better job of calling them out uh as they come up in the scripture but you know I think Tim Keller did capture in in a in a way the spirit of the age that I think is helpful he says the spirit of the age is this that our identity comes through self-expression through discovering one’s most authentic desires and being free to be one’s authentic self that that’s maybe kind of kind of way out there right uh but it’s this idea of self-determinism is the spirit of the age and that who I am as a person I have to freely be able to express and if I can’t then I’m being judged and I’m being uh I’m being oppressed how are we speaking into those issues that are so contrary and so confusing because they’ve given birth to things confusion over uh human gender gender identity God has clearly called us male and female in his created order but yet because of the spirit of this age that identity comes through self-expression I have to be free to decide for myself and if I can’t then I’m being oppressed that’s the spirit of the age but how do we now as as parents as Grandparents with

humility but also with faithfulness speak into that truth of God into the lives of our children and our grandchildren it touches every area how do we as uh as human beings serve the Lord in faithfulness right Jesus said as you have done for the least of these you have done for me and the scriptures make very clear that the way that we serve the Lord in humility and in faithfulness is to care for and feed the poor to care for the homeless to protect the innocent to seek Justice for the vulnerable to love our neighbor as ourself we need to be volunteering we need to be serving in our communities we have no right as Christians to complain about our community and what’s happening if we aren’t in it if we’re not out there serving and volunteering First Coast Women’s Services would love your help Susan’s here tonight you can talk to her they would love you to come and to volunteer bees rescue and Recovery Mission we support they would love your help in serving the homeless or Mission House they need your help entering into the community serving those who are in need and feeding the hungry how about is citizens of the United States I know this is this is a great angst in our hearts isn’t it we see what’s happening in our country and our culture and and we’re broken what we cannot be is fearful because the gospel doesn’t call us to a spirit of fear but to a Spirit of Hope because we know the ultimate Victory is in our Lord Jesus Christ and out of that hope it’s to serve and you know what the the easiest thing vote

how can you not that your calling is a Christian it’s your right to vote and I know the saying is to vote according to your conscience right and I get what that means uh I get what that means that you have to decide how you’re going to V it’s between you and the Lord but I would say don’t vote according to your consciously I can’t vote just according to my conscience I have to vote if it is according to my conscience as my conscience is directed by the will of God and as it’s revealed in his truth you know there’s so many issues obviously I sent out if you didn’t get it an email about Amendment 4 it is it is evil it’s

deceitful and we’re going to Susan’s going to come in a couple weeks and help to show us some of those things that she’s learned about how just how deceitful it is and how it mischaracterizes uh what is really happening there because we but as followers of Christ are to serve God we serve him for Life the Dignity of every human

life there’s lots of issues you know as I look at the southern border you know the thing that breaks my heart is this is a humanitarian

disaster we can argue about how immigration should be done legally right but what’s happening now is abhorent to the in the eyes of God do you know that right now there are more than 32,000 children are unaccounted for 300 300 I missed a zero we don’t know where they are when they came through I think from what I read if I read it right they didn’t show up at whatever hearing was to happen and now we have no idea the human trafficking that’s happening because of the system system that is broken as it is

now we need to vote in such a way that it will be

fixed we have to get involved I urge you as Christians serve in public service somehow get involved in the culture don’t just we can’t just complain about it we have to get

involved but not only do we need to get action the grace that we’ve received to put it into action but how we do it matters as as Joshua called out to the people to serve the Lord in sincerity and to serve him in faithfulness we are called to serve in the culture in the world stand up for with a truth of what’s right and faithfulness but to do it in sincerity that means in humility a recognition that we’re no better than anyone else what we are is the recipients of God’s Amazing Grace in our lives and we’ve been given the freedom to have joy in serving him in the world around us friends Grace is

not an excuse for inaction Grace is a call to action it’s a call to get involved it’s a call to in Hope and joy and with humility to be in the culture and Shining as a light for Christ to a world that so desperately needs him let us take this message of Joshua this whole series and let’s put it in action let’s put the grace that we are rooted in an action in this world that we might make a difference for Christ by serving God faithfully and in humility amen

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