holy week and easter



March 24th - 9a & 11a

Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday. Service begins with palms waving and includes Holy Communion and a dramatic Passion reading.

March 28th - 6p

This service commemorates the Last Supper and includes the sacrament of Holy Communion.

March 29th - 12p

In remembrance of the Crucifixion, this somber service examines the last words of Jesus from the Cross. Families are encouraged to attend together, as there will not be a children’s program or nursery.

March 31st - 9a & 11a

Easter morning is a joyful time of celebrating our risen savior. Easter Egg hunt for the kids after the 9a service

everyone welcome
There Is a Seat for You!


He is Risen! We invite you and your family to join us EASTER SUNDAY as we celebrate and reflect on the miracle of the resurrection!


Easter Services:
9a* & 11a


Refreshments & Fellowship

Easter Sunday is a time of great rejoicing!  Bring your family and invite your friends to the celebration of the Resurrection! Enjoy fellowship and snacks!

Easter Egg Hunt

After the 9a service, there will have an Easter egg hunt for kids ages 11 and under! Registration is not needed. Bring a basket, and your running shoes, and collect as many as you can!



Bring the kids!

Nursery is available at both services for Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday – children are welcome in the service.

Splash Kids children’s program (K-5) is available at the 9a service for both Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday.

What to Expect:
We are a church at the beach so you are welcome to wear anything from shorts to a tie… or both!

Need Directions? Click this address:

2092 Beach Blvd, Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250