Christian Financial Growth & Well-Being

Sign up and learn how to say goodbye to money stress

Be Debt-Free, Live Worry-Free, and Change Your Family Tree

Handling money the right way is a lifelong journey. Church of Our Savior subscribes to the Dave Ramsey program – you can get it FREE with signup:
  • World-class FINANCIAL TOOLS
  • IN-PERSON COURSES year-round
  • Group COACHING & MENTORING for individuals

Sign Me Up For The Next Class!

Learn a radical view of biblical wealth and generosity.

Through video teaching, discussions, and interactive activities, you’ll learn a biblical framework for living intentionally now so later you’ll be able to leave a legacy that will secure your family’s future and make a lasting impact on the world around you.
In this 6-week course, you will:

  • DISCOVER the biblical truth about building wealth
  • DEVELOP a wise investment strategy
  • FIND THE JOY of living with godly contentment
  • BE intentional about your relationships
  • LEARN how to put together a solid estate plan
  • FIND OUT how to make a difference in the world

Enjoyed discovering why I am the way I am with money.

This helped me understand that although I cannot change my past, I have a direct impact on my future with money.

Thank you for getting to the root

of many of the differences, my husband and I have had over the years and giving us a path for increased understanding and communication.

Excellent info.

Helped explain many behavioral aspects with regard to managing personal finances.

Loved the insight into me, my mom and dad and my husband and his parents!!

It makes so much sense to me why we do what we do in regards to money and finances!!

Very informative.

I learned a lot about myself and why I spend like I do!

Come Hungry! Lunch Starts at 12:15pm

Upstairs at Church of Our Savior

Weekly Topics

Sunday October 1, 2023

Snares and dares

Sunday October 8, 2023

The Pinnacle Point

Sunday October 15, 2023

the law of great gain

Sunday October 22, 2023

safeguarding your legacy

Sunday October 25, 2023

generational legacy

Sunday November 5, 2022

called to generosity