The build crews are working steady and it’s amazing to see the progress from day to day. From the delivery of the elevator cab parts to the installation of doors & locks, cabinets and flooring, and fresh paint everywhere, the new and remodeled spaces are...
New Building
September 2024: Only 8 More Weeks of Construction!
At the recent Praise & Potluck @ the Park, Beachxsutawney Bill predicted 8 more weeks of construction. Which is right on schedule with our builder’s expectation of a Certificate of Occupancy around October 30. In the meantime, progress is ramping up as many of the...
August 2024: Rock & Roll!
Crews continue to (sheet) Rock & Roll (scaffolding) to bring the new the new construction side of the building to life! The four electrical panels are in place and seem to tie-off miles of wires to power mechanics, lights, plugs, AV, and data. The sanctuary beam &...
July 2024: COOS Is Booming Like Fireworks!
With metal and shingle roofing complete, the cross was placed atop the cupola by Lighthouse Roofing (who said it was honor to do so). Window installation is underway and the mechanical and electrical rough-in is almost finished. The final door frames are placed and...
April – June 2024: Preparing Exciting New Areas
April started with a bang! Demolition and metal framing quickly transformed the existing space into new areas for ministry and fellowship. A drain was dug for the new restroom (located in the old stairwell), the janitor closet was expanded into the former lift space...
January – March 2024: Building the Walls
The new year kicked off with excitement as the slab was poured and the building took shape. It was amazing to watch the masons build walls of cinder block reinforced with rebar and high-fill grout and concrete beams, sometimes seeming to appear in just hours. Once the...
October – December 2023: Getting Started at Last
Mid-October, two years after conception, the building project was underway with geo-tech checks, site clearing and demolition. The mason crew persevered through rainy days and the unexpected find of a power line and internet amplifier to get the elevator pit, beam...
June 2023: Ground Breaking Celebration
June 3 was a beautiful, breezy evening, COOS held our Summer Celebration! Over 150 people filled the space that will soon hold our expanded building. Great fellowship was enjoyed over plates full of grilled hot dogs & brats with toppings, and homemade sides. We...
May 2023: All Systems Go
We have received the “90% Construction Documents” from our architect (ENB Architects), and they are really coming along great! We have provided another round of space utilization and design feedback, but a lot of it is coming down to relatively “minor” tweaks like...